Existing Blinds

Since February 2014 all new blinds must meet child safety requirements determined by British Standards but it is quick and easy to make existing blinds safer too.

Blinds which do not contain cords or chains, such as motorised products, those operated by a gearbox with crank handle or blinds that are simply moved into position by hand do not need any action.

Blinds which are operated by cords or chains which could form a hazardous loop must be made safer.

Just take these three easy steps:

  1. Examine all blinds in the publicly accessible areas of your building and identify those that need to be made safer
  2. Consider reducing cord and chain lengths where possible and fit an appropriate safety device to keep chain and cord lengths under permanent tension and loose cords out of reach on a device like a cleat.
  3. Ensure all staff are aware of how to operate blinds safely and periodically inspect the safety devices to ensure they are still secure and working correctly.

For video tutorials on how to make existing blinds safer – click here.

When considering new blinds consider styles that do not have operating cords or chains or have concealed or tensioned cords. See more here.

For expert advice contact your local BBSA member – use the find a member link opposite.

Looking for new child safe blinds or to make your existing blinds safer?

Contact your local BBSA member or Make It Safe Dealer now.

Find a BBSA Member

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