Householders and Landlords

Do you need information on new blinds or your existing blinds?

Window blinds are popular ways of shading windows and offering privacy.

However, some blinds have cords and chains to operate them and these must be kept out of the reach of babies and young children. It’s simple, quick and easy to do this and if you have existing blinds you can see more here.

When considering new blinds, make sure you consider blinds which are “safe by design” first. These blind styles use no operating cords or chains, or cords are held under tension or concealed in the system of the blind.

There are “safe by design” versions of every blind style from blinds that are operated by wands to push and pull the blind into position, gear operation or even motorised which with new battery motors has become an extremely popular option.

If your widow size or position means you have to have cord or chain operated blinds then the blinds must be fitted with a safety device and the cords and chains will be restricted lengths to comply with regulations.

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