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If you design, make, supply, import, sell or install internal window blinds the new standards apply to you


The standard affecting internal window blinds was significantly revised in relation to child safety requirements in February 2014 and, in effect, mandates:

  • Limitations on cord and chain lengths
  • Safety devices for preventing cords and chains from creating a hazardous loop
  • The fitting of safety devices on cords and chains at the point of manufacture
  • The testing of all safety critical components of internal window blinds
  • The testing of complete blinds using safety devices
  • Safety warnings and product instructions


BS EN 13120:2009+A1:2014, BS EN 16433:2014 and BS EN 16434:2014 were published by BSI on 28 February 2014.

The General Product Safety Regulations, 2005 place a legal responsibility on traders to provide a safe product. Compliance with the revised standards affords a presumption of conformity with these regulations.

These standards can be purchased from BSI – visit the BSI shop.

You can see the EU Decision which mandated the changes to these standards here.


The standards are applicable to all homes, all public buildings and any other premises where babies and young children aged 0 – 42 months are likely to have access or be present.

Further Information

Purchase the standards from BSI.

Your suppliers should be providing you with products, components and advice to ensure compliance.

The BBSA has developed extensive guidance for its members on the new child safety requirements. This has been prepared with reference to child safety experts, standards experts, the BBSA’s solicitors and Trading Standards.  To find out more about membership and joining the Make it Safe campaign email [email protected].

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