Make it Safe is a campaign by the British Blind and Shutter Association (BBSA) to promote window blind safety in homes, public buildings and other environments.

There are safety devices available for every type of blind and our campaign is packed with information about how to make existing blinds safe and what to look for when buying new blinds.

Watch our videos and download our information to find out more.

Check your blinds

If you have a window blind which has an operating cord or chain that forms a loop it needs to be kept out of the reach of babies and young children.

Safety devices for every type of blind are available and can be easily fitted to existing blinds. These include a cord/chain tidy or tensioner to keep looped cords or chains taut and cleats to keep loose cords out of the way.

The first action is to check your blinds!

View more information for householders

Make your blinds safe

Watch our videos to find out how to make different types of existing blinds safer – it’s quick and easy.

Parents, carers and householders

Making your existing window blinds safer is quick and easy – see the videos below

Make it Safe

How to make existing roller blinds safer

Make it Safe

How to make existing vertical blinds safer

Make it Safe

How to make existing venetian blinds safer

Make it Safe

How to make existing roman blinds safer

Make it Safe

How to make existing pleated blinds safer

Make it Safe

What to look for when buying new blinds

Safe by design

A blind which is safe by design is cordless or has concealed or tensioned cords.

These can include spring operated blinds, blinds which can be pushed or pulled into position, motorised blinds, wand operated blinds or styles that can be lowered or titled by hand.

View more information about new blinds
Check your blinds

Beware of unsafe blinds purchased direct from non-UK suppliers

Since 2014 all internal blinds made and sold in the UK must comply with specific child safety requirements. This includes UK-based importers where the blinds may be made outside of the UK.

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For new blinds there are inherently safe options of every blind style. For existing blinds there is a wide range of safety devices to make them safer. Make it safe today - Click to see more.

Download Landlord Guidebook
Public Buildings

Public Buildings

Blinds in public buildings as well as accessible areas of commercial premises and other buildings must be safe. Making existing blinds safer is quick and easy and any new blinds must be compliant - Click to see more.

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